SPY x Family is an anime that focuses on the plight of a spy who is tasked with maintaining the balance of power between two different nations. The show features some of the best fight scenes and heartwarming moments in recent anime. There are also several character traits that fans will find familiar, including Anya’s powers and her desire to protect her family.
Show are excellent
Spy x Family was an extremely popular anime when it first debuted a couple of years ago. While it has not made a major comeback in a while, the series is still considered to be one of the top anime shows of the Spring 2022 season. Currently, the series has over a million members, and the ratings for the show are excellent. It is rated 8.6/10 on IMDB and 8.75/10 on MyAnimeList.
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Another show that fans might find similar is the popular anime series The Promised Neverland. This show, which was produced by CloverWorks, had characters that were known for their strength and narrative. However, while the show focused on family, the characters were portrayed in a way that was less wholesome.
Fans of Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song may enjoy watching this anime, too. Basically, it is a version of the Terminator, but with killer robots. If you like martial arts and time travel, you will probably enjoy the show. Also, the fight scenes are very similar to those in Loid Forger’s style.
Upcoming episod
Some of the best episodes of the first cour of Spy x Family include Episode 2, “Full Metal Panic!” and Episode 7, “The Target’s Second Son!”. All these episodes are available to download in MP4 or MKV format. As for upcoming episode 8, you will need to pay for access.
Other shows that fans of SPY x Family might also enjoy watching are Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Attack on Titan, and Usagi Drop. Each has its own unique features and themes, but they share commonalities. Like the SPY x FAMILY, each is well-balanced and has a number of heartwarming and funny moments.