Web design is mainly about the user experience and website development rather than software development. A great web design is easy to use and gains the target audience’s trust, avoiding user frustration. Web design can be pretty complicated with fast-changing technological developments. But today, the web design profession is quite popular, and many people are ready to take the challenge. And they don’t need to go to a university to become a web designer.
Methods to learn web design on your own
Whether complete career changes or want a learn a new skill. There are so many incredible tips and resources available online. These tools can help your start your journey to becoming a web designer and even create a portfolio. Anyone ready to work hard can become a web designer with the right amount of experience, in case he has an internet connection to access great resources. In this article, we will discuss how to learn web design by yourself.
1. Start learning a basic understanding of the web design process
The first thing you need to do is learn the theory. Reading books is the best way to start learning the basics of web design. Read about design theory, trends, and techniques. Follow designers you admire and are the best on social media.
Also, Youtube is an excellent platform for learning new things, so watch videos online to learn web design. And the effective way to start researching web pages is to look at how existing websites are put together and observe how other websites work. These steps help you set a goal of what your future career will look like.
2. Master the basic rules of visual design
Visual design is developing the UI and UX of a web through visual elements and effects. It includes colors, illustrations, photography, typography, layouts, white spaces, and the like. It concentrates on the visual effects of web/app design and aims to engage users.
As beginners, if your goal is to learn a great visual design, the basic principles of scale, visual hierarchy, balance, and contrast are a must. These are essential aspects that can help you drive engagement and increase usability.
3. Learning about coding interfaces and optimizing your website
Web design involves both nor only visual appearance but functional design as well. That means you must learn code interfaces in a web development language, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
HTML or hypertext markup language is a critical factor that helps create the structure of a website. And when you can understand the language, the website design can be clearer for you.
The next thing is learning to optimize your website for search engines as designing and SEO are connected. As a future web designer, you should know that optimization is essential wheater images and meta descriptions on pages and elements.
4. Learning web design by doing and asking for feedback
If you have already learned theory is time you test what you have learned. You must learn web design by doing and practicing it. Then keep learning and keep going. You can find someone with a website project and suggest working on it.
You can try to create your own website, then ask your network to give feedback on your website design projects. Learn, aside from visual preference, what suggestions they have about functionality. Ask whether they can easily understand the goal of the design. This is why you will know what needs to improve.
And bonus tip
Learn every day and stay up to date with technology
It can be hard to keep up when there are many technologies and trends. Web designing keeps changing almost every day, and to be a great website designer, you just need to keep learning constantly.
A web designer is a high demanding job in our technological century. And there are many resources available on the internet. Therefore people can start a new career in web designing. We mean Youtube videos, tutorials, and most importantly, books. Also to should learn not only visual design but also coding interfaces. After doing the theoretical part, move put what you learned into practice, and get feedback to improve your work and become a great web designer in the future.