It has been known for a long time that a car is a piece of equipment that is technically very advanced and requires appropriate labelling. Thanks to it not only the service technician, but also the user can understand the entire specification. The truth is, however, that getting to know a car from the inside takes a long time, and its exact description can be the size of a classic book. Therefore, in order not to waste time, stickers sets for Porsche were created, which make it easier to mark the firing order engine decal, tire pressure decal, or timing decal. Let’s take a closer look at some examples.
Tire pressure decal
Checking tire pressure is not a problem for any driver — the real challenge begins when vehicle users wonder what tire pressure should be. Fortunately, sets of stickers designed for Porsche come to the rescue. The set includes a tire pressure sticker, on which the values helpful for the driver are clearly marked. They are given in PSI, which is pounds per square inch.
Tire pressure should be checked regularly. There are several reasons for this, primarily the fact that low pressure extends the braking distance and affects the ease of cornering. In addition, incorrectly selected tire pressure contributes to greater wear of the car and increases fuel consumption. By purchasing stickers sets for Porsche for a selected model of your car, you are guaranteed that you will have the most important information always at hand.
Valve clearance decal
There are parts of a car that can be problematic, for example, a valve that must have the right clearance for the cylinder to work properly and the engine timing system to not make any disturbing noises. The clearance must not be too small or too large, as the direct consequence will be unpleasant. But how do you know what clearance should be in old Porsche models? For example, by buying sets of stickers designed for Porsche, which include a valve clearance decal. The sticker informs about the clearance – of course, depending on the model.
Of course, valve clearance value can be found in the manuals of a given car model, but such a document is not always at hand – especially in the case of older cars. A sticker will be a much better solution. Sets of stickers designed for Porsche will certainly make car maintenance easier.
Engine oil level decal
Does every driver know what can result from too high oil level in the engine? Certainly – nothing good. Too much fluid can lead to engine unsealing and leaks, all because the heated engine and oil work under high pressure. It is assumed that the correct pressure while driving is in the range of about 1.4 to even 4 bar. However, this is a fairly large spread, so it is worth knowing what value is correct for a given car model. Without the help of the engine oil lever decal available in stickers sets for Porsche, it can be hard.
This sticker tells the user the difference between the lower and upper points on the dipstick and that the oil level should be checked at idle. Putting the sticker in the right place will make it easier to work with the car.
Alternator engine decal
Some stickers have another function – they not only provide the driver with the correct values, but also warnings that should not be underestimated. Particularly noteworthy is the alternator engine decal. It clearly states that the alternator and regulator must come from the same manufacturer. A person who is not fully familiar with this topic may not know this, but when he looks at the sticker, he will immediately acquire the necessary knowledge.