Vijay TV, also known as StarVijay, is a regional television network in India. The channel was launched in 1994 by N. P. V. Ramasamy Udayar. It is a subsidiary of Star India, a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, and is headquartered in Kochar Jade, Guindy, Chennai. Its logo was redesigned in 2017, and the channel’s branding was unified with its sister channels under the Star India Group.
In addition to featuring movies in Malayalam, the channel also shows various television shows that are broadcast in the Malayalam language. These include daily soaps, chat shows, sports, and news. To see its full profile, visit the channel’s official website. You can also find a number of other ways to contact the channel. Here are a few. Once you have signed up, feel free to subscribe to the channel!
Super Singer – Dhivagar Santhosh, a water boy from Chennai’s Red Hills area, won the fourth season of ‘Super Singer’ on Star Vijay in February 2014. He made his playback debut in the Tamil film industry with the song ‘Nenjukkula Nee’ from the film ‘Vadacurry’. The show won the audience’s hearts, and he will now be performing on the show again.
Maa Movies and Star Plus – The Hindi-language channels are not affected by the change in logo. Both of them have retained their names and logos, but have replaced the Star logo with the word “Vijay” in Tamil. Maa Gold and Star Plus are the only two channels outside of India to retain the Star logo. The other Star channels are now called Utsav, Maa Movies, and Star Gold, which are all named after the respective Tamil language versions.
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