Many students today are eagerly deciding to pursue a career in the exercise science field. Although exercise science itself is a relatively new field, the concept has been around for years. These students are hoping to use their passion for health and fitness to make a positive change in the lives of individuals in the future. Another reason so many students are deciding to pursue a career in exercise science is because of the vast career landscape available to them upon graduation. There are so many different career paths that students can pursue after graduation, each depending on their own unique areas of interest.
However, although the degree itself may seem like a great option for you, the truth is – It’s hard. Pursuing an education in the exercise science field isn’t easy work and you’ll quickly realize there is a lot of time and effort required to be successful throughout your education. However, by setting personal expectations for yourself and following these five tips outlined for students just starting in their exercise science journey, you’ll be better prepared to take on the degree and the coursework that comes with it.
Start Prioritizing
If prioritization is a skill that you’ve yet to master, now is the time! Prioritization is key when it comes to being successful in your education and life in general. According to Revolution Prep, prioritization is an executive functioning skill. In other words, it’s a skill needed in order to effectively plan, focus, organize and follow through on instructions. You need to understand the importance of getting tasks done, but also getting the tasks that are of most significance completed first. However, prioritization isn’t just in terms of your coursework. It’s understanding that your schooling and education may oftentimes come before your social life or other priorities you have, as well. You may need to give up a few nights out with friends to get your coursework done – and that’s perfectly normal! Many students learn first-hand how important prioritization is once they jumpstart their education. The good news is, once you’ve truly mastered this skill set, it will also be extremely beneficial in the future throughout your career or daily life in general.
Learn About Your New Campus and What It Has to Offer
It’s also important to take a step back and learn more about the campus you will be attending and what all it has to offer for its students. For instance, does your campus provide on-site tutoring opportunities for students who are struggling? If you still don’t have one, find a family oriented Science tutor now. Is there a library available for you to have access to computers and a quiet space to get your coursework done? Are there places available to relax and unwind after a long day, or days, or get your assignments completed such as a gym or recreational facility? Many campuses offer their students the vast majority of these and more! In fact, at Berry College, they have the world’s largest campus and offer their students approximately 27,000 acres to relax and unwind after a stressful day! Within those 27,000 acres, they offer a plethora of different recreational activities for their exercise science physical therapy students such as camping, hiking, biking, and kayaking!
Establish Healthy Habits
It’s also important to ensure you’re caring for your personal health and wellbeing throughout your time spent away at college. This means not letting your overall health gets lost in the background of everything else. Ensure you’re taking the time to eat healthily and continue to follow any preexisting exercise regimens you may have had! However, healthy habits aren’t just food and exercise. It also involves ensuring you’re getting enough sleep. Don’t wait until the day before an assignment is due and pull an all-nighter to get it done. Your sleep is crucial to your overall health and wellbeing, and you should treat it as such.
Take Your Anatomy Class Seriously!
Anatomy is oftentimes one of the most dreaded courses to take throughout your exercise science education, however, it’s also the most important! There is a lot of memorization and other fundamentals taught throughout your anatomy course that the remainder of your education will develop from. According to ASEP, you must have a keen understanding of anatomy in order to be successful in any leadership role whether it involves health, sports training, rehabilitation, or fitness in general. Pursuing a degree in exercise science involves learning about the human body and fully understanding how it operates. This is the only way that you can then provide helpful guidance and information as to how to develop better lifestyle habits in terms of exercise and diet. This is why it’s so critical to take your anatomy class seriously. You’ll thank yourself later.
Be Social
It’s also important to ensure you’re not fully submerging yourself into your schoolwork and forgetting about your social life in general. Regardless of what you do to be social, it’s important to continue working a social life into your hectic schedule. If you aren’t taking the appropriate time to mingle with friends, you’ll quickly find that you’re missing out on a large portion of the college experience. Not only that, but you may also begin to experience signs of burnout down the road. Of course, being social doesn’t need to involve a night out on the town – it can also involve joining study groups or other clubs available through your school. Regardless of how you choose to interact with others, it’s important to do so and to be social throughout your schooling.
Transitioning into college life can be difficult, especially when it comes to transitioning into life as an exercise science student. However, by following the tips outlined above you will be better equipped to take on your education and college life in general.